
The Advent Historical Society’s Board invites members of the community to join our History or Genealogy committees, which sponsor research into local history and genealogical research of the Advent Church families and those buried in the Advent Cemetery. Copies of individual family histories, objects, photos and local history are welcomed to be archived and displayed in the Advent Church Museum building, adjacent to the historic church.
Volunteers assist with programs such as the Memorial Day service at the Advent Church, providing music, costumed reenactors and hosting tours of the church and museum. Our Building and Grounds Committee welcomes volunteers to help with repair and landscaping projects. Youth groups seeking community service projects are especially welcome to contact us to schedule a work day either at the church or in the cemetery.
For more information about how you can get involved with future projects, or to participate in a committee, please contact us at AdventHistoricalSociety@gmail.com.